And the first post is about....... Dinner?

A new blog. The first post. I realise that this is probably the moment I should say something extremely catchy and memorable, but as always, the words elude me. It is a common phenomenon you know, not being able to say the right thing at the right time. The appropriate words then come to you hours or days later and you spend your time wondering what could have been. In fact, I've reconstructed entire conversations this way, which generally end in me saying something so witty that the other person is hair-tearingly (if that is a word) speechless. But, I digress. This is my first post and I shall tell you what I ate for dinner.

Stir Fried Prawns with Macaroni in White Sauce

The meal was not a very elaborately planned affair. However, with just a little preparation, it turned out pretty great. The macaroni was boiled and mixed with a simple white sauce, the sauce consisting of nothing more than milk, flour, pepper, mustard, salt and butter, cooked into creamy consistency. The prawns were marinated in lemon juice, garlic, pepper, salt and some turmeric (Because hey, its healthy, so why not). These were then stir fried in butter. When served together these make an unlikely, yet sumptuous meal. The buttery prawns with their subtle spicy flavour ( enhanced by adding some more lemon juice), and not so subtle prawn flavour, are well complemented by the smooth and creamy macaroni. All one needed at the end was a slice of bread to wipe all the butter and white sauce off the plate (Don't look at me like that! I like leaving a clean plate. Do you want me to get started about how food wastage is bad and how many children are starving where?) 
And that is that. Till the next time, eat hard , sleep well and don't forget to breathe some oxygen.


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